Friday, April 04, 2008

Introducing Evan Patrick

Evan Patrick joined our family on February 25th at 3:55 PM. He weighed in at 8 pounds 2 ounces and was 20 inches long. We named him Evan after Brian's dad and Patrick after my uncle who passed away from cancer in his early thirties.

Labor and delivery went fine. We arrived at the hospital at 7:00 to be induced, around 8:00 I was hooked up and ready to start the process. At 3:50 it was time to push and 5 minutes and 5 pushes later Evan was born. I had a great delivery nurse and support system, Brian and my Mom.

It's hard to tell who he looks like. Everyone has a different opinion. He does look like Eli in some ways and Tatum in some ways too. I think he mostly looks like himself.

Eli and Tatum were excited to come and see Evan, after Eli got over his initial disappointment. When he found out he had a new baby BROTHER he cried because he wanted a baby SISTER.

I still can remember the looks on their faces when they first saw Evan, very sweet and adoring. They were in awe and climbed up on the bed to get a better look.

Eli has gotten over his disappointment and has grown to love little Evan. Eli has such a tender heart and is a good helper with the baby. Eli loves to sing and will sit down and sing to Evan when he is fussy. It works every time, Evan will stop crying and listen to him. That's what is going on in this picture. Eli's favorite song to sing is "Away in a Manger" or another song he makes up.

Eli, Mommy and Evan hanging out.

We are learning to adjust to having 3 kids. So much harder than I had expected. Wow! Eli and Tatum are acting up a little more, which is probably normal with the change. What's interesting is they know when to act up. I can pretty much count on them to start fighting or doing something they know they are not to do once I start to nurse Evan. It is getting better each day and we are having a good time.

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