Monday, August 07, 2006

Tater Tot

It's hard to believe it has been 6 months since Tatum joined our family. Where has the time gone? In some ways she has changed so much, in other ways she is still the same. Her gentle spirit and disposition haven't changed at all. She is always happy and content with whatever comes her way. She is still very much in awe of her big brother Eli. It's amazing how he can make her laugh. I hope that never changes.

She is very close to sitting up without support, which helps her with some of her favorite things...

Tatum loves to swing outside and we do it as often as we can.

One of Tatum's favorite things to do is play with her doll house. She is getting good at putting the furniture in and taking it back out.

Swinging and playing with her doll house keep her busy, but the one thing Tatum likes the most is being with Eli.

Watching Baby Einstein together,

or just hanging out and playing, it doesn't matter what they do.

The only time Tatum gets upset with Eli is when he wakes her up. It happens every now and then. It's usually Mommy's fault. I tell Eli that as soon as Tatum wakes up we are going to do something. Eli being excited thinks he has waited long enough. He has a few techniques. He will go into their room and yell, "WAKE UP TATUM." That scares her and she precedes to cry. Of course he has another technique in his arsenal. If he doesn't feel like yelling he starts taking his clothes out of his dresser and throwing them on Tatum. This works most of the time. The last trick is to simply climb into the crib with her and wake her up. Which is never pleasant for her, poor thing. When I ask Eli what he is doing he simply says, "Tatum's awake now we can go...Come on Mama let's go!"

This picture of them together was taken one time after Eli decided to wake up Tatum. If she could say something it would probably be, "Are you kidding me? Mom can you help me out here?"

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