Monday, December 10, 2007

Yum Yum

We have been busy getting ready for Christmas. This includes baking and making special treats for our friends and teachers. Eli really likes to cook and is a good helper. Any chance he gets he wants to help cook or make something. So, this year we let him make some special treats for his teachers at Mother's Day Out.

Eli and Grandma Billie are making some chocolate covered pretzels with sprinkles.

Eli couldn't wait to try one! He was using his pretzel as a spoon to eat the chocolate.

We even got to make some cookies with Grandma Cindy and Cousin Grace. They all had fun using the cookie cutters and adding the perfect amount of sprinkles.

Tatum even got in on the fun. We had to watch her though. She would steal the dough and run off to eat it! She is at the stage where I know she is doing something wrong when she runs away to hide and do it. She knows she shouldn't be doing it, that's what's interesting to me. It's amazing how that sin nature in us is evident in even a 1 year old. I know I shouldn't be doing this, but I will hide and try to get away with it. She will usually run away to eat her boogers, so I guess cookie dough isn't that bad!

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